To actually contribute something of value to this thread, I'll give my reasoning why I think the second mug is better. The second mug has a nice, aesthetically-pleasing, minimalist design, and the character on the mug is easily recognizable as Rey, the protagonist of
The Most Popular Film Franchise of the Next 20 Years, so there's no need for contextualization. On the other hand, there's just too much going on in that first mug. I'm assuming your wife isn't like Guy Pearce in
Memento, Owl, so she's not going to be like "Oh, thanks Cup, for reminding me who the protagonist is from this movie trilogy that I like enough to appreciate the fact that my husband bought me this coffee mug with the main character on it." And if she
does have anterograde amnesia, then you really need to buy a mug that provides
even more contextualization for who Rey is. Like, instead of "Rey: Resistance Hero," it should read "Rey: Resistance Hero, from the new
Star Wars Trilogy, That Is, Episodes VII Through IX, but not from the Original Trilogy or the Prequel Trilogy, Because Rey Wasn't Born Yet When Those Movies Happened. I Mean the Character Rey, Not Daisy Ridley, the Actress, Who
Was Alive When the Prequel Trilogy Was Released, But Was Born
After the First Theatrical Release of the Original Trilogy." And then over the schematic for the Millennium Falcon there would need to be some text reading "Schematic for The Millennium Falcon, You Know, From
Star Wars? Oh, You
Don't Know? Well, the Millennium Falcon is a Space Ship, and It's Canonically Very Fast, and In the Real World It's One of the Most Iconic Vehicles in All of Science Fiction.
Now Do You Understand? Oh, You're Saying You
Do Understand About the Millennium Falcon Now, But Now You're Saying You Don't Know What
Star Wars Is? Well Shit, You're Going to Need To Buy a Second Mug for That, Because We've Run Out of Room Here."